Monday 13 April 2015

Starting off...

Hi, I am Clare and 8 months ago, after constant flu like symptoms and exhaustion for over a year, I was finally diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME.

My life as I knew it was blown apart and I have had to pick myself up bit by bit and try and find a way to be me again. Its going to be a long journey.

After a bit of a cry round a friends at the weekend I decided, after a couple of months of deliberating to set up a blog, to write down my thoughts, feelings and experiences, to try and help myself, but also to hopefully help others in a similar situation to maybe not feel so alone and scared as I have done. 

For those not familiar with CFS, it is not only the feeling of exhaustion and never feeling refreshed, but cognitive issues occur like poor concentration and memory. And yes...I can confirm my memory is terrible! 

In 8 months I have progressed, going from being off work for a time and being able to do nothing except the daily functions of living, to now being able to work 7 hours a day Mon-Fri and do occasional social things during the day at weekends. Evenings I haven't cracked as yet...but it will come.....I try and remain as positive as possible although some days do succumb to that feeling of despair I frequently felt in the early days. I still have set backs and days where I just need to stay in bed and rest, but I have been assured by specialists that the only way is up for me now, I just have to persevere. 

I am one of the lucky ones as I have made good progress and some sufferers are bed-bound or confined to a wheelchair. I am so thankful I am not in this position. 

I am learning to pace myself, what I can and cant do, and hope to share my progress and feelings with you all. Even if no-one reads this, I feel it will be quite cathartic for me



  1. Welcome to blogging.

    Here's hoping to a speedy recovery!

    I look forward to reading more of your journey.
